High Value Agricultural Products Program
The BWC´s High Value Agricultural Products - HVAP Program was designed within the limits of the Paris COP21 Agreements and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The hands-on trainings we offer to local farmers is improving livelihoods for women and promoting youth entrepreneurship (SDG 8). The HVAP products we grow is driving access to healthy food and ensuring healthy lives as they are highly nutritional and medicinal (target 3). The HVAP program strives to alleviate poverty within indigenous farming communities andendeavors to promote food security and sovereignty in Cameroon through the growing of high value agricultural products using sustainable techniques (SDG 1 and 2).
The HVAP Program is addressing the issues of poverty, poor health and decent jobs. These challenges are being experienced by farmers in the local communities of Bafut but especially by the youth and women in these communities. These are however general issues which is threatening not only the local farmers, the youth and the women but majority of the local population.
This project is improving livelihoods for women and promoting youth entrepreneurship. Also, the HVAP products we grow are healthy foods and ensure healthy lives as they are highly nutritional, medicinal and are good for all age groups.last but not the least, the program strives to alleviate poverty within indigenous farming communities and endeavors to promote food security and sovereignty in Cameroon through the growing of high value agricultural products using sustainable techniques.

This project is a community project as it involves local farmers. It will create more employment through its trainings as many more women and young people will be able to start processing these products and earn a living or improve their living standards. To measure this, I am aiming to work with at least a 270 women groups with at least 5 from each of the 54 communities in bafut. Also the machines used in grinding do not produce any smoke or waste just as our production process and raw material does not require the production of waste. therefore keeping our environment clean and safe.
Main activities include: training local farmers in the practice of permaculture, structure a local cooperative (BetterCOOP) to promote fair trade and limit middleman influence and to grow and transform our high value agricultural crops like ginger, turmeric, lemon grass, moringa, etc. into oils, teas and spices. There are several products but the main product is ginger/tumeric tea and spice.

So far, this program is improving living standards of farmers where in up to 5 women groups with over 230 members through the Cooperative set up by Better World Cameroon as they are being trained on sustainable farming techniques and are taught to grow high value agricultural products using these techniques. The local cooperative (BetterCOOP) created by Better World Cameroon helps to sell these products by promoting fair trade and limiting middleman influence thereby making the local farmers get what they deserve from international partners, shops and super market owners.